21 Sep 03


21 September 2003 Status at The Aquatic Hillcrest

Headline: Day Off to be a Tourist!

Ron Turiello is a great tour guide.  After a short run, he encouraged me to go for a drive south and decide what to see on the way.  We went off the Autobahn at Wurzberg and went down into the center of that city.  After Ron bought us a very expensive a coffee, and taking lots of photos (see below) we got back on the Autobahn and I drove 150 kpm (about 93 mph most of the way to Rothenberg.  Rothenberg is a really old city and has a walled city in the center.  We went there, as Ron had taken his family there 20 years ago, and took a lot more photos.  There were quite a few Americans there, probably people in the service nearby.  We had a nice lunch, went up into the tower of the town hall, visited the Christmas Museum and attached tourist souvenir chop, and visited the Museum of Criminal Torture.  Then we had a sandwich and got back on the Autobahn, where I put that 6-speed Mercedes up over 100 most of the way back.

Photos from Wurzberg.

Photos from Rothenberg.


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