11 October 2003 Status at The Aquatic Hillcrest Headline: Successful Tests all day Long!!! We arrived about 0800 and found the radar in pause. We replaced an NTDS card with a GAF spare and the radar came back up. Due to the pause, the Sunstrobe data was not collected, we'll have to get it tomorrow morning. The team completed appendix B of 23a and the RES is fully functional and passes with the 2 borrowed cards. The team then performed appendix C, SSR K-Factor tests. This test took a long time and numerous attempts, but the team's perseverance paid off and the test passed. Ron and Olaf then completed appendix A, SW loading. The team then proceeded to step through the required parts of 23a. The team completed ALL of the specified test in 23A, noting only minor discrepancies like missing screws Punchlists:Remaining Items to Perform at Radome:
Need to obtain locally in Germany:
Needed from Syracuse:
Photos from today: Bill and Olaf perform the physical inspection up atop the antenna. |
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