10 October 2003 Status at The Aquatic Hillcrest Headline: Flight Test Complete, 120 Hour Test Complete, Team Aquatic Hillcrest Presses On 2030 - Sunstrobe is programmed in, we are leaving with the radar up and running. 2000 - Ron begins to apply the patch to allow us to program the system to collect Sunstrobe data in the morning. 1957 - The RES WORKS!!! We are displaying RES targets on the SIT DISPLAY! We can confirm that the Aquatic Hillcrest Processor board in the SPU is bad and we need to return it for repair within 120 days. We are also running with the Dobraberg disk drive but we need to confirm if the Aquatic Hillcrest disk drive is good or bad, after the remainder of the SAT. 1940 - Attempt to re-power the system after Bill tightened the screws holding the breaker against the bar. This seems to work, or the cabinet has cooled enough, and the system comes back up. Back to work getting the RES and radar playing nice together. 1930 - Completed test 3E, and the radar antenna is level. 1900 - The CB3 breaker trips again and will not reset. This is a show stopper. The team heads upstairs to perform antenna leveling. 1743 - transformer trips and power goes out in the processor shelter. This is a 125 amp breaker for the CB3 transformer. 1723 - Ron, Brad and Olaf have successfully made the RES work and communicate with the radar. They were able to do this using the disk drive and processor boards from the Dobraberg RES. We may now begin formal execution of 23a. 1700 - Tim Coon and Don Hoffmann e-mailed us the procedure we need to tweak the 1st LO board. 1610 - Greg and Bill begin 3E, Antenna Leveling, while Olaf, Ron and Brad begin to get the RS talking with the radar. 1600 - Olaf and Bill run BIT on the RES and Ron reduces the RES data from the flight tests. This officially concludes 6B, "Availability." 1535 - 120 hour test completes successfully!!! All assembled are very impressed with this radar's stability to this point. There were no resets or errors, other than receivers ringing up and then coming back during the 5 days. 1432 One hour to go and then the work begins. Brad and Olaf will work on the RES while Ron loads the Sunstrobe software patch so that we can collect the Sunstrobe data in the morning. Bill and I will prepare for the antenna leveling test in parallel, so that it is ready for Olaf to witness once the RES is talking with the radar. 1418 and the 4th leg of the second flight test is over. And we are slightly more than one hour from completing the 120 hour test. Herr Barz and Captain Haan have said good-bye for the weekend and Her Barz says we should be prepared for a P(d) discussion on Tuesday. 1053 both legs are complete. We believe me made > spec P(d) in each range bin at least once, so we think we passed. The BWB/GAF are making copies of the data sheets and will return with them after lunch for this afternoon's flight test. 1025 The target is inbound again, 20nm out. 1011 The target was tracked all the way inbound, turned around, and was tracked outbound. On the outbound leg, we picked up solid track in the one range bin we lost track in the inbound leg. 0842 We observe the aircraft at 1.8x outside the test range on the radar. 0827 Haan reports wheels up. Captain Haan reported at 0800 that the flight will be delayed 45 minutes as the aircraft must have a gyro replaced. We arrived early to prepare for flight test. The radar is running fine and we took the data dump, <8 hours to go on the 120 hour test. Punchlists:Remaining Items to Perform at Radome:
Need to obtain locally in Germany:
Needed from Syracuse:
Photos from today: Lunchtime in Fulda center a couple of days ago. Trying to fix the RES, Ron, Olaf, Bill And Brad Performing antenna leveling test 3E While they finished the work with the clinometer, I checked for oil leaks, after 120+ hours of running I found some more oil leak data... Those are RES targets on the screen!!! |
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