30 Sep 03


30 September 2003 Status at The Aquatic Hillcrest

Headline: RES and Radar Running!!!

This morning we met twice.  We provided an updated discrepancy list reflecting yesterday's work.  We also discussed the beginning of official tests.  We believe that formal tests will begin today with the 120 hour test, and test 15C will be performed in the morning, so that Captain Haan may analyze the data prior to his departure at noon.  In the meantime we are completing the dry runs that were held up for lack of a functional ITU.

Brad and I traveled to Frankfurt this afternoon and shipped the 3 row receivers and 1 noise detector back to Syracuse for repair.  Brad took the car and the 278-4155 cell phone back to The Aquatic Hillcrest; I am at the Frankfurt Airport to fly home tomorrow.

Ron re-seated the boards in the RES SPU and everything came up, passed BITE, and is running.  The team also completed dry run of 15E P2.

We were told that the BWB has received the necessary letter from the Material Command to allow unofficial testing to begin in the morning.  The testing will not be official or signed for until the requisite agreement is sent by BWB to LMCO and signed and returned by LMCO.


Remaining Items to Perform at Radome:

  1. Complete dry run of 1D P1 - in progress
  2. Re-attach Row N21-N26 cable and interlock cable - Bill
  3. Troubleshoot The Aquatic Hillcrest RES disk drive - Brad
  4. Determine fault of 3 row receivers and remedy - Brad/Ron/Bill
  5. Word 1 of the Platform Control Word is indicating an intermittent fault in the 1st LO.  The word is 040210 Octal and we are also seeing a red LO fault light on the A10 PE.
  6. Return from Syracuse with labels, GFCI, breaker, printer ribbons, signed contract agreement, and a USA Today
  7. Cable label application (when the correct labels arrive from Syracuse)
  8. Replace GFCI (when it arrives from Syracuse) - Bill
  9. Replace CB9 50A breaker when it arrives from GAF or Syracuse - Bill
  10. Complete dry run of 15E P2 - in progress
  11. Repair RES (impedes dry run of 23a App. B) (Brad working)

Need to obtain locally in Germany:

  1. Maxtor ProDrive disk drive for the RES (impedes dry run of 23a App. B)
  2. 240V flood lamps
  3. Null modem cable
  4. Paintbrushes
  5. Solder
  6. Flux

Needed from Syracuse:

Item(s) Requested DHL Air Waybill Picked Up Elapsed Days Status
Engineering Boards 12 September     18 Delivered 30 September
Torque Wrench 18 September 9453134390 9/25 01:48 12+ in Frankfurt Customs at EGL 9/30
Kor-Lite Batteries 18 September 9453134412 9/25 01:47 12+ Clearance delay as of September 29, 2003 10:05
GFCI 15 September 9453134401 9/25 01:49 15+ Transferred through Cincinnati Hub - USA
RF Switch 18 September 9453134434 9/26 17:14 12+ Shipment on hold
LA30R-KA Genicom dot matrix printer ribbons 25 September     5+ Paula ordered, Greg will bring back Saturday
2nd LO Generator (11A19A6) 24 September EGL given to EGL in Frankfurt 24 September 6+ Received in NYC 29 Sep, to be sent to Guy Blasi
50A Circuit Breaker 27 September     3+ e-mailed request
Silicone spray lubricant 28 September     2+ e-mailed request
3 Row Receivers 30 September   given to EGL in Frankfurt 30 September 0+ shipped to US 30 September via EGL
1 Noise Detector 30 September   given to EGL in Frankfurt 30 September 0+ shipped to US 30 September via EGL
Maxtor ProDrive disk drive for the RES 29 September       Steve Burdick researching

Link to Dry Run Status

Photos from today:

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