27 September 2003 Status at The Aquatic Hillcrest
Headline: In Progress....
Current Faults:
Row 5 Transmitter - MFI fault indicated a fault in this
transmitter. The trasnmitter in Row 5 was swapped to another row.
Previously, we swapped the row 5 receiver to another row. In both cases,
the fault stayed in row 5 and did not move with the swapped receiver or
transmitter. Therefore, we need to find the cause of row 5 failing -
probably low angle failure, flag 4005. Bill tightened the cables and
this did NOT clear the fault.
Row 17 Receiver - was swapped to row 18 and the fault went with it to row
18. The receiver will be replaced with another spare from the GAF that is
here. Bill changed the receiver and this cleared the fault.
RES is not functional - trying to find a disk drive.
ITU does not communicate with Modem Cabinet - trying to locate notes from
previous installation to configure cables properly. John Phillips
(retired) and Ray Fadden (in Australia) called several times and Brad feels we
have a plan to address this tomorrow.
Still not received from Syracuse:
- Torque Wrench
- RF Switch
- Kor-Lite batteries
- Transmitter cover kit
- 50 amp Circuit Breaker pictured below
- Copy of contract and official sign-off
Other things we need to get here:
- 100A fuses
- 220V 100W flood lamps
- RES disk drive
The sensing circuit in the 11A7-CB9 Circuit Breaker
for the Azimuth Drive Motor is faulty (MFI fault flag 472.5). The sensor
circuit remains high at all times. We need to have a new circuit breaker
acquired and either shipped here or held for the next person who travels here to
hand carry. See photos below. We are unable to locate this 50 amp,
600 VAC 3 pole GE catalog number TEC36030 circuit breaker here.
Brad and I arrived this morning to find the radar still running well.
We are going to attack the ITU. Ron and Bill have gone to Fulda to hit the
supply houses before they close, in search of some flood lamps, large circuit
breakers, and other miscellaneous parts that we need to button things up.
Members of the GAF stopped by to make sure we were okay and had things we
need. They have made arrangement for us to have 24x7 access to get ready
for the SAT, and this has helped a lot.
Ron and Bill were unable to locate the bulbs, circuit breaker and printer
ribbon we need. They did adjust the Auxiliary Multiplexer Limiter Detector
Filter to remove an MFI fault. Re-Ran SR-1S alignment procedure.
Adjusted the RF Switch to reduce power out to resolve 3300-series MFI flags.
Brad was unable to get the ITU working. He then switched to the RES,
and confirmed that both disk drives are now bad. We spent some time trying
to find a replacement drive or service information on the web, but the support
folks are not there on Saturdays or Sundays.
We said farewell to Sgt. Pohl who helped us a great deal and was a leading
member of the team. He may return in two weeks.
We will work tomorrow 0800-1400. We have been invited to dinner at
Link to Dry Run Status
Photos from today:
This is the breaker we need.