22 September 2003 Status at The Aquatic HillcrestHeadline: Progress made, see Dry Run link belowSupport from Syracuse improvedCustomer support today: Herr Weyer, test director, Captain Haan, flight director, Sgt. Demel, Sgt. Pohl, Sgt. Beitz. We arrived at the site to find the gear motor and brushes had been delivered at 0650 by Eagle. This box had been in jail in customs until the taxes were paid. The gear motor and brushes are equipment LMC is required to provide as part of the settlement, but are not necessary for the tests. No sign yet of the COTS shipment that we do need for the test. The GAF also has contacted their depot, and can provide parts as noted on the table, below:
The GAF has ordered the available parts to be transported to The Aquatic Hillcrest and will arrive ASAP. I have written to Syracuse to see if replacements can be shipped. Regarding the parts that are short, the GAF has sent 2 of their RF switches back to Syracuse for repair, and is waiting for replacement covers from LM for the Row Transmitters. We had a very good meeting this morning with Sgt. Demel and Sgt. Beitz to discuss strategy and how to best proceed. The meeting was facilitated by Frau Demel, who sent in a luscious cake, which we consumed most of. While wait for parts to make the radar work, we are dry running the tests that do not require a running radar. A status of all tests will appear on this page beginning today (see link below). Herr Weyer, the new Test Director for BWB, is here and met with Sgt. Pohl. He then met with us and we introduced Ron and Bill. Herr Weyer will return on Monday for the TRR. Sgt. Beitz informed me after lunch that the Noise Detector boards previously thought to be available have actually been shipped to LMC for repair, and that the status of these parts is unknown. Guy Blasi of the Engineering Lab called to see how he could support us, and offered to send a technician here with parts if that is determined to be the fastest way to get boards repaired. This of course depends on parts available. As soon as we determine (if we can) which parts have failed we will let Guy know and he will check PIOS to see if they are in stock. Terry Goodrich, Nanci Sharak and Robin Green combined Friday night to ship us a spectrum analyzer to replace the one was DOA last week. To our pleasant surprise, it was delivered here before 1400 today. Thanks Terry, Nanci and Robin! Brad Shannon is in Syracuse today to gather what he can before traveling here tonight. Rob Clancy has helped us, and reports that
I will get Rob the serial number in the morning, as the GAF depot personnel have gone for the day. Brad Shannon is going to hand carry the A6 board from the engineering set. Bob Knox reports that the breaker has arrived and it will be given to Brad to hand carry. Also, Bob thinks the Kor-Lite batteries will arrive in the morning, so it is likely that Brad will postpone his flight to Tuesday night to be able to bring everything with him. Most of the test procedures have been located, and document storage is looking for the remainder. Brad was able to help them locate the documents in storage, and they are being "pulled" on an "emergency request." If the missing documents are there, copies will be made and sent with Brad. Still no sign of the missing COTS shipment. I've asked Bob Knox to touch base with Terry Moselle and have him ship what is available today and not wait for the special order items, but to ship them when they arrive. Daily oil leak analysis: Although the radar did not turn over the weekend, I found 3 points where oil is dripping. Each is documented in a photo below. The oil level sensor, the cable bundle below it, and a bolt on the side of the gear, which may be an inspection point, or drain plug. This is on the gear that is farther from the door. The same bolt on the other gear is bone dry. Photos from today: The transit for the array contour and a wider view of the array after performing the dry run. The team (Sgt. Pohl, Bill, Ron and Captain Haan) compute the results of the array contour test. It passed! Ron dry runs Test 1D-P1, and the oil level sensor that seems to leak Oil drip on cable bundle below oil level sensor, and the stud that has a drop on it, above the eye bolt in the side of the gearbox Our dining room of preference, Gasthaus Hirsch |
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