The Wasserkuppe Radar
02 Sep 03 1st Week 2nd Week 3rd Week 4th Week 5th Week GAF Dinner


Steve Dunyk and I met with BWB and GAF at Koblenz on 1 September to discuss The Wasserkuppe completion tests.  Then we drove to The Wasserkuppe and inspected the radar on 2 September. Ron Turiello, Bill Ratcliffe and I returned to the Wasserkuppe 13-14 September and began repair and test of the radar 15 September.  Brad Shannon returned from San Diego, to the great delight of thousands of Germans, to join us and help get the radar running on 24 September.

Daily progress reports appear at the links, above, also.  If you have any questions or corrections for me to make, write to me and I will reply as soon as possible.  In addition to this e-mail, or our Lockheed Martin e-mail addresses, any of the Wasserkuppe Radar team may be contacted via the table below.

Wasserkuppe radome Shelter Room  011 49 6654-9180311
Cell phone in Germany (315) 278-4155
Phone at Hotel Gersfelder Hof  011 49 6654 1890
Fax at Hotel Gersfelder Hof 011 49 6654 7466

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